The Corona Team

well established and here for you

Meet Our People

Our team is comprised of nationally recognized experts in data science, process engineering, water resources, strategic communications and utility information technology. 

Chad Seidel, Ph.D., P.E.

Founding Partner & President

Louisville, CO

Dr. Chad Seidel is the President of Corona. He has enjoyed working with the water sector for nearly two decades providing innovative solutions to water quality and treatment challenges across the country.
303-544-2161 X 123

Craig Gorman, P.E.

Partner & Director of Water Quality
and Treatment

Louisville, CO

Craig has over 15 years of experience as a consulting engineer specializing in advanced water treatment and bench and pilot scale testing.
303-544-2161 X 403

Jake Causey, P.E.

Partner & Sr. Water Process Engineer

Gonzales, LA

Jake is a professional engineer with more that 15 years of combined experience in the process engineering and permitting and compliance assistance.
781-753-6666 X 117

Amlan Ghosh, Ph.D., P.E.

Partner & Sr. Water Process Engineer

Lewisville, TX

Amlan has over 17 years of experience as a consulting engineer specializing in advanced water treatment, distribution system water quality, and pilot scale testing.
781-753-6666 X 421

Our Leadership

take a closer look

Water Quality & Engineering

Carleigh Samson, Ph.D., P.E.

Water Process Engineer

South Kingston, RI

Carleigh is a Ph.D. with experience focused on source water quality, water treatment process engineering, DBP formation and statistical modeling.
303-544-2161 X 412

Brittany Gregory, P.Eng

Water Process Engineer

Louisville, CO

Brittany is a professional engineer focusing on drinking water treatment alternatives analyses and treatment process optimization supported by bench- and pilot scale testing. She also has extensive experience in large data management, data visualization, and process modelling.
303-544-2161 X 423

Nathan MacArthur

Water Process Engineer

Louisville, CO

Nathan has a MS in Environmental Engineering from the University of Colorado and has experience in treatment process design and water quality management.

Juliette Kaplan

Water Process Engineer

Louisville, CO

Juliette has a MS in Environmental Engineering from the University of Colorado with experience in treatment process design and water quality management.
303-544-2161 x447

Mathieu Medina

Water Process Engineer

Louisville, CO

Mathieu has an MS in Environmental Engineering from UT Austin and a BS in Chemical Engineering from MIT.
(303) 731-3533

Christian Mathews, Ph.D.

Water Process Engineer

Louisville, CO

Christian has a Ph.D. and MS in Environmental Engineering from Purdue University. Her research has included the use of far UVC irradiation on the inactivation of opportunistic pathogens in drinking water and the prevention of biofilms on drinking water plumbing materials..
(303) 468-8831

Blair Hanson, Ph.D.

Water Process Engineer

Louisville, CO


Irene Krauspe

Water Process Engineer

Louisville, CO

Irene has a MS in Environmental Engineering from University of Colorado Boulder and a BS in Chemical Engineering from Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA), El Salvador.

Emily von Hagen

Water Process Engineer

Louisville, CO

Emily Von Hagen has a Master of Science degree in Environmental Engineering from North Dakota State University. As a licensed Class A water treatment operator, she has practical expertise in the operation, maintenance, and optimization of water treatment facilities.


Corona Business Operations

Louisa Hennecart

Project Controls

Louisville, CO

Holly LaPorte


Louisville, CO


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We appreciate you taking time to fill out the form. Our goal is to better understand how utilities are addressing source water protection and extreme climate events. Please give us your opinions on each of the following questions.