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Publications and Webinars

Water Quality & Treatment

Microplastics: What Drinking Water Utilities Need to Know

Consumers are becoming more concerned with microplastics in water, so utilities should start thinking about methods to identify and address them.

Microplastics: What Water Utilities Need to Know

Journal AWWA
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Water Quality & Treatment

Sources and Fate of Taste and Odor Causing Compounds in the Missouri River

This project gathered knowledge on the taste- and odor (T&O)-causing compounds found in four water systems on the lower Missouri River.

Sources and Fate of Taste and Odor Causing Compounds on the Missouri River

Water Research Foundation Project #4683
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Water Quality & Treatment

Fine-Tune System Operations for Lead and Copper Rule Compliance

Water systems can reduce lead and copper corrosion through corrosion control treatment and proper system operations, even ahead of large-scale capital improvement projects such as lead service line replacements.

Fine-Tune System Operations for Lead and Copper Rule Compliance

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Water Quality & Treatment

Influence of Pre-oxidation Prior to GAC Treatment on Controlling DBPs

This Water Research Foundation funded project investigated the effects of oxidants on TOC on DBP formation potential and absorption onto GAC.

Influence of Pre-oxidation Prior to GAC Treatment on Controlling DBPs

Water Research Foundation #4607
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Water Quality & Treatment

Assessment of HAA9 Occurrence and THM, HAA Speciation in the United States

The objective of this study was to assess national occurrence of all nine HAAs (HAA9) and disinfection byproduct (DBP) speciation.

Assessment of HAA9 Occurrence and THM, HAA Speciation in the United States

Journal AWWA
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Water Quality & Treatment

Disinfection Byproduct Occurrence at Large Water Systems After Stage 2 DBPR

This study compiled DBP and related water quality parameter data for 395 public drinking water systems serving populations greater than 100,000 across 44 US states from 1980 to early 2015.

Disinfection Byproduct Occurrence at Large Water Systems After Stage 2 DBPR

Journal AWWA
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Water Quality & Treatment

Biological Oxidation Filtration for the Removal of Ammonia from Groundwater

The primary goal of this project was to demonstrate the performance of a biological oxidation filtration treatment process for oxidation of ammonia present in groundwater.

Biological Oxidation Filtration for the Removal of Ammonia from Groundwater

Water Research Foundation #4574
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Water Quality & Treatment

Identifying Meaningful Opportunities for Drinking Water Health Risk Reduction in the US

This project developed a health risk assessment methodology to help utilities prioritize risk reduction measures for specific drinking water contaminants and communicate the relative risk posed by unregulated contaminants.

Identifying Meaning Opportunities for Drinking Water Health Risk Reduction in the US

Water Research Foundation #4310
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Water Quality & Treatment

The Marshall Fire: Scientific and policy needs for water system disaster response

This paper identifies actions for utilities, governments, and researchers that could help communities minimize wildfire impacts, better protect workers and the population, and enable water systems to more rapidly respond and recover

The Marshall Fire: Scientific and policy needs for water system disaster response

AWWA Water Science - open access article
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Water Quality & Treatment

Co-Occurrence of Bromine and Iodine Species in US Drinking Water Sources That Can Impact Disinfection Byproduct Formation

This study incorporates spatial and temporal data to quantify concentrations of inorganic (bromide (Br–), iodide (I–), and iodate (IO3–)), organic, and total bromine (BrT) and iodine (IT) species from 286 drinking water sources and 7 wastewater effluents across the United States.

Co-Occurrence of Bromine and Iodine Species in US Drinking Water Sources That Can Impact Disinfection Byproduct Formation

Environmental Science & Technology
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Water Quality & Treatment

Pilot Testing Strong Base Anion Exchange for Cr(VI) Removal

To comply with the MCL, a California utility conducted extensive pilot studies to determine the best-performing ion exchange resin, empty bed contact time (EBCT), and hydraulic loading rate (HLR).

Pilot Testing Strong Base Anion Exchange for Cr(VI) Removal

Journal AWWA
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Water Quality & Treatment

Total Chromium and Hexavalent Chromium Occurrence Analysis

Total and hexavalent chromium occurrence in the United States was investigated using three available datasets.

Total Chromium and Hexavalent Chromium Occurrence Analysis

Journal AWWA
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Source Water Management

Using Chemical Inventory Data to Prepare Against Source Water Contamination

Learn how hazardous chemical storage for a source water protection area (SWPA) will help in preparing for source water emergencies.

Using Chemical Inventory Data to Prepare Against Source Water Contamination

Journal AWWA
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Source Water Management

The crude MCHM chemical spill in Charleston, W.Va.

The MCHM spill in the Elk River was a call to action for water utilities with hazardous chemicals in close proximity to their source water.

The crude MCHM chemical spill in Charleston, W.Va.

Journal AWWA
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Source Water Management


This document is intended for use by the drinking water sector to better understand the risk of potential releases into sources of drinking water.


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Webinars on Topics That Matter to The Water Community

Analytical and Treatment Methods for Cyanotoxins

Introduction to Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxins

Four Steps to Effective Cyanotoxin Communications

A Practical Approach to Identifying Potential PFAS Sources

PFAS Latest Developments, Monitoring and Treatment Strategies

Managing the Whack-a-Mole of Distribution Water Quality: DBPs

Microplastics in Drinking Water

An Overview of the Flint Water Crisis

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