Source water management
Our scientists and data analysts can help you develop and implement strategies to protect your utility's source water. Contact us today!
We Provide our Clients Comprehensive Source Water Quality Management Support
Service Spotlight
Source water threat identification
Occurrence of Releases with the Potential to Impact Sources of Drinking Water
Corona worked with U.S. EPA’s Water Infrastructure and Cyber Resilience Division to characterize the occurrence of releases into sources of drinking water used by community water systems in the United States. The study evaluated the temporal occurrence of significant releases reported to the National Response Center (NRC) between 2010 – 2019, geographic occurrence of significant releases, type and amount of material released, responsible party and cause of significant releases, and the distribution of the number of releases impacting individual community water systems. Project deliverables included a Qlik dashboard that can be used for additional data analysis and data visualizations as well as the publication of ‘Occurrence of Releases with the Potential to Impact Sources of Drinking Water’. The report provides insights into the risk of acute contamination of source waters and recommendations for how water systems can use the history of spill occurrence to inform their risk assessments and prepare for spills in their source water.

Reservoir Water quality management
Southeast Morris County Municipal Utilities Authorities (SMCMUA), NJ: Clyde Potts Water Quality Management Program
Emergency response planning
Middlesex Water Company, NJ: Spill Response Drill and Ongoing Emergency Support

Environmental Information Systems
WaterSuite: Integrated Water Data Management
The Corona Environmental Consulting team has extensive experience in the design, implementation and maintenance of environmental information systems. Corona’s team successfully developed and spun off a cloud-based system that captures, processes and analyzes complex environmental data for the water community – WaterSuite. The system continues to be adapted to the specific needs of the water community, including data management, prioritization, monitoring, and reporting capabilities for source water protection and emergency planning with a special focus on contaminants stored above ground, including location, quantities, contaminant and toxicological characteristics, contaminant releases, PFAS source locations, other potential sources of contamination, travel time and concentration analyses, and acute spill risk scoring.
Users can securely edit and manage information related to their own set of priority threats and contacts. Additional modules have been added to enable monitoring data submission and visualization and monitoring plan regulatory coordination between utilities and state agencies to support implementation of the Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) and the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR). WaterSuite was built using open-source web design and database tools to allow full flexibility for future development needs. The platform currently supports over 400 surface and groundwater systems nationwide as well as monitoring plan regulatory coordination for two states.