Workshop: Drinking Water Utility Preparedness for Wildland-Urban Interface Fires
Helping utilities prepare for extreme events
Workshop Presentations
Water System Responses and Lessons Learned from the Marshall Fire
Overview of the Marshall Fire impacts and the Town of Superior and City of Louisville response and lessons learned.
Presented by Chad Seidel, Ph.D., P.E., Alex Ariniello, & P.E., Kurt Kowar, P.E.
Distribution System Monitoring for VOCs and SVOCs After the Marshall Fire
After the Marshall Fire concerns about VOCs and SVOCs initiated distribution system flushing and monitoring. This presentation provides an overview of the strategy taken to ensure public safety.
Presented by Nathan MacArthur
Town of Superior Earthy/Smoky Odor Concern and Response
Long after the Marshall Fire was put out the lingering smell and taste of smoke continued in the Town of Superior water supply. This presentation provides an overview of the steps taken to manage post fire taste and odor issues.
Presented by Anthony Kennedy, Ph.D., P.E.
The Marshall Fire: Scientific and policy needs for water system distaster response
The 2021 Marshall Fire was the costliest fire in Colorado’s history and destroyed more than 1,000 homes and businesses. The disaster displaced over 40,000 people and damaged six public drinking water systems. A case study was developed to better understand decisions, resources, expertise, and response limitations during and after the wildfire.
Authored by Andrew Welton, Chad Seidel, Brad Wham, Erica Fischer, Kristofer Isaacson, Caroline Jankowski, Nathan MacArthur, Elizabeth McKenna, Christian Ley